This is my second first attempt at blogging. I wasn't satisfied with the tone my first post set, so I took down my blog after rethinking what I wanted to do. With this one, I will try to achieve my original intent, which is a place to put my feelings about everyday life and possibly to develop any latent writing skills that I have. My son and his wife have been encouraging me to do something about writing for a while and I have been resistant to putting down on paper the words that are inside me. I'm not sure if I have anything worthwhile to say, but maybe it will be something that my grandchildren will have someday to remember their "Grammy".
What a beautiful morning today! We woke up to a cool 52 degrees and the sun shining brilliantly. I let the chickens out early to enjoy their bug and weed hunting. We really must get an enclosure built around the garden now that they are free-ranging. They have already removed the lovely yellow blooms from all the tomato plants! Maybe I shouldn't have taught them "Here chick, chick" with all those yellow dandelion flowers! It seems to have set their preference for that color.
We are counting down the days until July 2 when our third grandson will be born. He will be our first son's first son. They already have the beautiful and smart Lauren who is two years old. Our first three grandchildren are our daughter's Gaige, 6, Nathan, 5, Kaitlyn, 2 1/2. All three of them are wonderful examples of handsomeness, beauty and intelligence. We expect the new little one will be the same.
If anyone saw my first blog attempt, you will know that I had just lost my dear sister, Jane, to lung cancer. In fact, I found out as I was composing and laying it out. That, of course, colored my first post. I decided that it wasn't an auspicious beginning and was the reason for this second-go-round. But I didn't want to neglect mentioning my sister and her struggle with that dreaded disease. So, here's to you, Sissy, and to your valiant fight! I will love you always.