I went to Jaye's this past week to help him out with a couple of things and decided to give Matthew a bath while I was there. Mommy and Daddy were still using the baby tub to bathe him, but this big boy yearned to be in big water. He had a ball, splashing and making lots of cute baby noises. When I got him out and dried off, I couldn't stop smelling his neck. He smelled sooo good.
Year In Review -- The Annual Book Report
13 hours ago
baby necks and hair are surely the aroma of heaven
that's a darling face
Stop! You trying to torment me? You knew this would tease me beyond my ability to be patient for a grandchild, yet you deliberately posted it anyway.
He must have felt like he was free free free! But babies are so slippery in the bath, and I always worry that I'm going to bonk their heads.
Yes, nothing smells better or feels softer than a baby's neck after bath time.
Ok, I'll go console myself now by washing the color out of my hair. Yep, it's that time, gotta cover the grays.
Char, that soft, soft skin and smell surely sends me to heaven!
Joanna, he's such a sweetie. Not just handsome, but so affectionate and smart.
Yes, Ruthie, I did it just to drive you over the edge! Watch out, Lesley, Mama wants to be a Grandma! :D
He was a wee bit slippery and fell over on his face once, which caused a bit of spluttering. He took it like a little trooper, though, and didn't even cry! Of course, I never left his side for even a second. I let him stay in there until the water was almost cold and he was a little prune. I hated to take him out when he was having such a great time.
One nice thing about being a grandma is you can stop worrying about those gray hairs. I stopped coloring mine about three years ago. Growing it out was brutal, but so worth it. I haven't looked back since.
What a little cutie!
He has a little devilish glint in his eyes though, betcha he keeps Grandma running!
(ps, bottom rack)
(pps, glad to know I am not the only one to read personal messages into the verification words!)
Oooooo, I can almost smell the clean baby smell. I remember this stage with my daughter like it was yesterday. When I put her on the changing table after a bath was the best... she would squeal happy baby sounds and look at me like I was the greatest person in the whole world. That time goes so fast!
Matthew is quite the cutie pie!!
What a cutie!!! Is there anything sweeter? sigh... lovely blog <3
Thanks, Natashya! He does have a gleam in his eyes, for sure! He's gonna be a little heartbreaker.
(ps...yeah, I'm kinda weird that way...lol)
Cindy, those baby days sure do go by quickly. Sometimes you just wonder where in the world the time went. I'm trying to enjoy my grandchildren much more than I did my kids when I was a young, harried, busy mother.
Thank you!
Cynthia, thanks for coming by for a visit. You picked a good day!
Thank you for the lovely compliments!
Ah yes, baby smell is wonderful. I have fond memories of nuzzling my son when he was that size. He quickly got strong enough to fight me off!
No need to tell Lesley, she has known her mother wants to be a grandma for all these many years, poor girl. At least now she is ready to oblige me!
Haha, you sound like a grandma about the spluttering. :) Taking it in stride.
Letting the grays show, yes, I've considered it, and no doubt I'll get there one day. Now if I had my sister's (or Don's) gorgeous salt and pepper hair, I would likely let it go. Mine is so mousy!
Amy, yes, boys often do not let you nuzzle beyond 2 or 3 years. They're usually too busy to hold still after that. I used to catch mine after they were sound asleep to get a quick neck kiss.
Ruthie, I can just see you after the hubbub of the wedding is over. You'll be haunting Babies 'R Us! LOL
Yep, after 3 kids, 5 grand-kids and assorted nieces and nephews, you kinda learn to take everything in stride! If it's not bleeding or broken, they usually get a quick kiss, a pat on the head and "You're alright" from me.
It does help to have dark hair to start with. Mine is salt and pepper with silver around my face. I guess I'll have to let you see a recent pic of me someday. Y'know, after I lose 20 pounds. lol
You captured the sweetest expression on his face! Oh the devil is certainly in his eyes in that second pic! And the smells! mmmm!
I just gave up trying to keep up with the gray in my hair...to cheap too!
So are you telling me I should start buying baby stuff right away?
You'd better send me a pic one of these days. No fair, you've seen me, but I haven't seen you.
Oliag, I know, every time I see him I just want to kiss his face to pieces!
I got too cheap to keep coloring mine, too. It was just too much upkeep with the roots showing after 3 weeks. Plus having to sit in that chair for 2 1/2 hours. The only chair I can sit in for that long is my computer chair! LOL
Ruthie, was that a frown on your emoticon? hehe I promise I'll have David take one soon so you can see what 38 years does to a young face!((rolleyes))
Well, you might want to wait until the stick turns 'pink'! lol
That is one little cutie! Bath time is always an adventure. Like Ruth, I am ready to spoil!!
Don, I'm sure you and Ruth will be very good at spoiling grandchildren. There's no learning curve...it's all hard-wired into us. :)
Nothing smells as good as a baby straight from the bath-all warm and cuddly too!
Ok, I'll wait - for grandkids.
And for a pic of you. Whenever you're ready!
Tipper, isn't it wonderful! I always like to bathe them after lunch so that they're all sweet and cuddly for their nap.
He definitely looks like he was ready to take on the "big water" what a cutie! Love that smile and impish look in the second pic!!
Tammy, he is quite the little imp and charmer, too! He just had the best time in there. I can't wait to give him another one!
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