DH and I planned a little weekend away to Ann Arbor. That is, I did all the strategic planning and DH just installed and programmed the new portable GPS system in the car and drove us to our destination. The reason for choosing Ann Arbor will be revealed at the end, but for now, just know that it was special and meaningful.
The weather couldn't have started out more perfectly with blue skies and temps in the 80's. It's what we've been craving for months as winter dragged on and on.
We took the leisurely route through the countryside for half the way and saw several interesting little villages and towns. Near Toledo I just happened to look out my side window and saw a bald eagle soaring across the highway!! It was so beautiful. It happened so fast that I wasn't able to get a picture. Then a few miles down the road we drove by a beautiful mosque which was the Islam Center of Greater Toledo.
I took this picture from their website.
We arrived at our hotel,
Weber's Inn, which was very nice. Even had an LCD television, although we never did figure out how to get the program schedule on the screen.
As soon as we unpacked, we headed for downtown AA to check it out and to drive around
University of Michigan's campus to have a look-see. Probably not a good idea on the first warm spring day, on a Friday afternoon at a BIG college campus known for it's partying. We quickly decided to park the car back in the downtown area and walk instead. That wasn't easy either, but we managed to shove our way through the crowds. We had dinner on the sidewalk at the
Parthenon, a nice little Greek restaurant in the heart of the downtown area. The people watching was fun and the food was good, but their website needs a little tweaking. It's kinda, ahem, boring.
We had an early evening as David had just arrived home from a ten-day business trip to Europe the evening before and the jet lag was getting to him. The next morning we were both awake at 4:30. To him it felt like 11:30 and time to get up! For my part it was the usual insomnia and being in a strange room. We waited until a reasonable time (6:00) and headed to the only full-service restaurant we knew would be open at that ungodly hour, Bob Evans. It was the friendliest staff and patrons I have ever encountered north of the Mason-Dixon line. In fact, all the Michiganders we met were incredibly helpful and friendly.
We headed a few miles north to the
Pinckney State Recreation Area for a little hiking. When we arrived we found a race about to commence with 500 registered runners!

We did our 3.3 mile hike on a different trail.
The trees and bushes were just barely leafing out due to the slow spring. The only flowers blooming were hepatica

and marsh marigold

It was pretty swampy in the park and the skunk cabbage was starting to unfurl its leaves.

There were lots of these peepers.

But millions of these little swarmers.

After our hike, we went over to the lakeside and a few minutes later the winning runner came through the finish line, a forty-year-old guy who had not an ounce of fat on his entire body.
These girls were cooling off in the very cold water after their race. They got fourth and fifth place finishes in their class.

On the drive back to AA, I spotted a house with a statue of Elvis displayed in the living room bay window! And attached to the inside of the storm door was a life-size cutout of the King of Rock & Roll! And I thought my sister had an Elvis fixation!

We had lunch at
Zingerman's World Famous Delicatessen and I must say, its reputation is not exaggerated. I wish it hadn't been so crowded so I could have explored everything in there. Oy vey!
After lunch we explored historic
We were both ready for a swim by now, so we went back to the hotel. We were by the pool when a man and his daughter came in to swim. I looked at him surreptiously several times, thinking I know this guy, when all of a sudden it hit me. He's our local weatherman at Columbus' WCMH-Channel 4 News, Jym Ganahl! Small world and nice to meetcha, Jym!
Now for the big reveal. The real reason for choosing Ann Arbor. To meet my blog friends,
Ruth and
Don. We had a lovely dinner at the
Prickly Pear, some ice cream at
Kilwin's and wonderful conversation while getting to know each other better. We already knew each other pretty well through our blogs, but seeing our friends face-to-face was the ultimate treat. Ruth and Don were just as I imagined they would be. Friendly, warm and inviting. Clever, funny and so easy to be with. This was the highlight of our trip and I hope it will be the first of many meetings between us. Thank you, Ruthie and Don, for giving us a reason to return to Michigan!
A little addendum: since I was such a dolt and forgot to take a photo of Ruth and Don, you can find one here at
synch-ro-nizing. For my bloggy friends who haven't seen them.