...to be happy.
Snuggle puppy.
Big-time wrestling comes to town.
Blowin' raspberries
A miniature pirate invades the backyard. And, of course, there are always chickens and dogs around when there's grub.
About to walk the plank of ye olde 4X4 pirate ship.
Did you ever see a pirate fly?
Matthew and Nathan messing up the clean door. My point-and-shoot doesn't have audio, sorry to say.
At Home: Celestial Sounds in the Living Room
19 hours ago
What fun! I want to be there!
They are adorable children, Susan!
What a blessing!
definitely happy reasons to be happy! :) what an adorable pirate outfit too.
What fantastic photos of your grandchildren! I love the "flying pirate"...and I can't believe that a cat puts up with that!...mine disappears when the grandchildren arrive...
Definitely reasons to be happy. All your grandkids are beautiful! I tried to play the video but it said that it's a private video and that I have to accept a friend request to view it???
Glad you are finding reasons to be happy. One foot in front of the other. Keep on keepin' on. Life is good!
CG, thank you. We are very blessed.
Thank you, Char. Yes, Lauren loves to play dress-up.
Oliag, if you look closely, you can see Tobey's back feet start to give Matthew a thumpin'!
Amy, thanks for the encouragement. I'm just glad that there are reasons every day to find happiness.
I goofed on the video and forgot to set it for sharing. It should be fixed now.
Ahhhh, precious!
I wonder if Matthew wondered how Nathan got on this side of the door?
Haha, you video like Don, I started getting a little woozy toward the end. ;-D
The door may have gotten messed up but that floor is spotless and Matthew could lick it too.
Lovely lovely lovely.
Ruthie, I know! I was getting a little woozy, too! You should have heard me huffing and puffing trying to keep up with them. I guess it's a good thing there's no audio. I need to get in shape!
Hey Sis, those are pretty pics , the video is good I never do have that much patience to make one last that long, looks like Mathew is about ready to walk too. They are all cute as dolls. Is that your new floor you all just put down?
Love you
Thank you, Sister!
I figure Matthew is about a month away from taking his first steps.
Actually, the floor in the video is the foyer which was there when we moved in. I'll put up some pics of the new floor tomorrow.
Love you back!
what beautiful children and charming photos. love your head masthead photo too.
Thank you, California Girl! That's so sweet of you. They make my job easy!
You noticed my new header! I took that photo last April in a nature preserve near us. The weather was a lot more cooperative then!
Life is grand! you have created a place where children want to come and adore, both on your farm and in your life.
Can I bring you a chicken in AA?
Yes-you have much to be happy about! Such cutie pies!
Don, you are so right. Life is as grand as we let it be. It's all about the loving and the giving.
A real chicken? Should I bring a cage?
Thank you, Tipper, I have to agree with you wholeheartedly!
What beautiful happy children! Nothing can make me smile faster....oh maybe the animals are a close second. :) Thanks for sharing!
Tammy, what a nice thing to say and that makes me smile! You certainly have enough animals on your farm to keep you smiling night and day!
And you're very welcome!
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