
Friday, February 5, 2010

Sweet Sassy Molassy!

Things sure have changed in a few short weeks. I caught Sassy and Frankie hanging out together in my rocking chair by the bay window just soaking up some sun. Frankie and Tobey love chasing and being chased by our new resident. They're getting a lot more exercise than they usually get during the winter months.

Did you notice Sassy's right ear? Don't tell her, but it's a little shorter than the other one. She doesn't seem to mind. She's also missing about an inch of her tail. It looks kind of cute in its stubby way.

Shhh...Tobey and Frankie didn't want me to tell you, but they kind of like the new girl. They even give her baths sometimes. It'll be our little secret.


VioletSky said...

Sassy looks adorable - and so tiny next to... who is that, with the menacing look in his eyes?

But, really, that sidebar whining... you can't wait for SPRING? I hear a snow storm is making it's way to you!! Enjoy it!

Susan said...

Oh no! Frankie is going to be sooo hurt when he reads this. He gets really upset when people don't like him. He's such a loverboy! Frankie's is my second to last foundling who joined us last summer. He really is a sweetie who gives the best licky kisses.

Hey! I'm stuck in the house for who knows how long...I can whine if I wanna! ;)

Judy said...

I love this picture... puts a smile on my face! Glad to hear there was a happy ending to the story and all cats are getting along.

Tattered and Lost said...

Gotta love cats. My little guy who had the major surgery also has one short ear. He was a feral living in my backyard for years and in December of '08 I finally caught him and took him to the vets to be fixed. Part of the deal was the surgery was cheap because he was a feral and they cut off the tip of his ear so anyone catching him in the future would be able to recognize he'd already been fixed. And he's a manx so he has no tail. Nothing but a powder puff where a tail should be. I think Sassy and Bobbie would also get along and have a lot to talk about.

Keep them warm and safe.

The Bumbles said...

Frankie has such beautiful blue eyes - is he named after Sinatra?

Sassy - such a sweet little face.

Did you watch the Saturday Night Live Sports special last week? Sweet Sassy Molassy was one of the clips - I thought of your little kitten immediately.

So glad she's been accepted by the other kitties.

Deborah said...

Frankie looks like the red-headed guy who sat behind me in Grade 7 math class, Wayne Plimmer. I have fond memories of Wayne.

And I love cats. Sissy is an aaawww kitty and it's great news that they are all getting along. Must be something about you that does it.

alaine@éclectique said...

Oh, they're so gorgeous - seems as though your place is Sassy's home now.

Susan said...

Tattered, you may not remember, but Sassy lost that part of her ear and the last inch or so of her tail to frostbite. But they're all healed now and it gives her extra character.

You were very persistent in rescuing Bobbie. I'm sure he is a very thankful kitty. :)

Susan said...

Molly, you are one smart Bumble! That's exactly why I gave Frankie his name. His eyes also cross, so unlike Mr. Sinatra! I'm positive Frankie is half Siamese. He has that pointed chin, too.

No, I didn't see the SNL special, darn it! I've been wanting to see that bit ever since I decided to name the kitten Sassy. I guess I'll have to YouTube it.

Susan said...

Hi Judy! Yes they're big buddies now. Every morning as soon as I get up, they start a game of tag that lasts until they exhaust each other. Fun to watch, but not so fun for my husband to hear as he sleeps later than I do.

p.s. Sorry you're out of order...I forgot to "embolden" your name.

Susan said...

Deborah, who knew?!! Frankie has a human twin! Wayne and Frankie sound like twins, don't they? :D

I don't know if it was I who brought about the magic, or if the older cats were just bored and needed some excitement in their lives! As far as I know, I have no magical skills, so it much be the latter! :)

Susan said...

Yes, Alaine, she has certainly found a forever home here. Sassy has brought a lot of laughter and joy to us as well as a lot of scratches on our legs and hands. She leaps onto our legs and climbs like we're trees! Ouch, that hurts! When she's not being sweet (40% of the time), she's being ornery as the dickens and chewing on our hands or pouncing when we move. She'll grow out of it one of these days.

Ruth said...

I just adore the look on Sassy's face. If that isn't childish innocence, I don't know what is. And such an adult nonchalance from Frankie. Both so sweet.

Your salon looks so lovely, my dear! I like what you've done with the place. You've removed the borders, and your header photo is precious and perfect.

CottageGirl said...

Ohhhh ... sweet picture, Susan! Glad to see that she is fitting in just fine and is a pleasant addition to your home. She's a lucky girl to have you!!

Susan said...

Why thank you, Miss Ruthie! "I saw it in a window and I just had to have it." I took the photo of that dear little hepatica when we were hiking in Pinckney. Isn't she sweet?

I just love redecorating and it seemed like the right time when I'm snowbound. What else is a girl to do? Can you believe I finally figured out how to remove the borders? Been trying to and suddenly it just came to me! I'm a little slow sometimes. ;)

Frankie's always sweet...Sassy not so much! Looks are definitely deceiving!

Susan said...

Doesn't that picture just melt your heart, CG? They sleep like that often...sometimes it's Frankie, sometimes it's Tobey. I never can catch them asleep though...the darn camera noises always alert them!

Sandy Nawrot said...

Awww...there is nothing sweeter than the bigger cats accepting the little one. Unfortunately, nobody in our cat family wanted to mentor Ziggy. He is totally on his own, poor thing, with nobody to play with. I love Sassy's clipped ear. My little Hope, God bless her soul, had half an ear. It gave her character.

Char said...

awwwwwwwwwwww, sweet babies - so cute. sassy is really cute with her little clipped ear.

Unknown said...

What cute cats and a beautiful picture. I wish my pictures came out so well.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

They look like a comfy pair.
Frankie... can't take my eyes off this kitty who is surely a cousin of our dear Nena (

Susan said...

Sandy, maybe you could invite Sassy over for a play date with Ziggy. :) There must be a lot more cats out there with parts of an ear missing that I would have guessed! I just wish it wasn't a little hard on the edge...maybe it will soften over time.

Susan said...

Thank you, Char! None of the other cats has made fun of her yet, so I'm guessing it will be socially acceptable. :)

Susan said...

Ashley, thank you for visiting! It helps having a really good camera and finally learning something about how to use it (I still don't know that much..just enough to get by).

Wow! You contribute to a lot of blogs! I'm impressed. So, which one is your nom de plume, Ashley or Elaine? ;)

Susan said...

OMG, Natalie! That is uncanny! Does/did Nena have blue eyes, too? Wow! Amazing...they could have been twins separated at birth!

ds said...

My, how Sassy has grown! She could be a twin to our late, great Empress, even in personality, so she's living up to her name ;) But they have their own ways of showing affection & I'll bet Miss Sass does because she is so happy--and lucky--that you found her.

Memories Of Mine said...

I'm not a big cat fan, but these to look so nice sitting on your rocking chair. I think I'd be happy to have them in my house.
Sassy has adorable blue eyes.

California Girl said...

happy to see you are keeping Sassy. I mean, you've named her, the dogs like her, the other cat likes her. She's adorable w/ her little ear. I miss my cat so much.

Tattered and Lost said...

Yes, I remember Sassy's humble beginnings and I've been rootin' for her.

Jenny said...

Beautiful picture of your lovely friends.

Anonymous said...

What a cute photo. Makes me want to get another kitty so I can have photo ops. I'm so glad Sassy is fitting into her new digs.

Susan said...

ds, last night we were watching a movie and Sassy was stretched out on a pillow on my lap, sleeping so soundly that her little feet were twitching. I've only ever seen dogs do that. We call it "little doggie dreams". It was so sweet and I wondered if she was dreaming of chasing the other cats. I wanted to make a video, but more so I didn't want to disturb her dreams with the camera noises. Am I in love, or what?

Susan said...

Hi Liss, thanks for visiting. Cats certainly raise the level of excitement in one's house, especially kittens! You should adopt a couple of kittens for yourself. I know quite a few people who swore they weren't cat people until they had one. It isn't true that cats are stand-offish. Mine are as affectionate as any dog and vie for my attention.

And the big plus, they're a lot easier to take care of than dogs. You can leave for a few days and they're fine with plenty of food and water and a clean litter box. Try doing that with a dog! Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for dogs too!

Susan said...

Pssst, here's a little secret between you and me, Cali Girl. I never even tried to find her another home, except for that weak attempt at contacting one neighbor. I'm really glad she never called back!

I know how much you must miss your little friend. :( Don't you think it's about time to make a visit to your local shelter? There are lots of little kitty friends just waiting to be loved by someone with such a big heart. XOXO

Susan said...

Tattered, I knew you remembered...I was just testing you! :) Thanks for rootin' for her!
It worked!

Susan said...

Thank you, Jenny!

Susan said...

Bella, the time is right for getting a kitten or two from the local shelter. They will soon be overrun with spring-born kittens. What's one (or two) more anyway?

Sassy is not only fitting into her new digs...she has taken them over! :D

NKP said...

I love that she is fitting in so well! A fabulous addition to the family - both for you and for her.

Kathleen said...

This picture is perfectly beautiful.

Susan said...

I'm happy she's here, too, Natashya. Bringin' a little sunshine into our lives. :)

Susan said...

Thank you, Kathleen! It's hard to get Sassy to hold still for a picture...I have to get her when she's drowsy.

Cindy said...

What a sweet innocent face she has! Through the years we've lived in our current house, we've had many feral cats in the neighborhood. On several occasions we've set out live traps and had the "crazy cat lady" come and take them to get fixed. She then returns them with a clipped ear so we know which ones have already had surgery.

I love the way cats give each other baths... so sweet!

Susan said...

Cindy, something tells me that some people are thinking of me as "the crazy cat lady"! lol There's a LOLCats that is a picture of about 20 cats on the sofa and the captions says, "All we needz is a crazee ladee." Uh-huh, I can see that happening! :)

I love the bath thing, too!

Tess Kincaid said...

Our tom cat used to come home in the morning with shredded ears!

Susan said...

willow...OUCH! Sassy got hers from frostbite, before I rescued her. Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your feline family is coming together. That Sassy is adorable!

Susan said...

Thank you, Stacy. We love her little ornery heart!

Dutchbaby said...

Your secret's safe with me! I love to watch cats give each other the spa treatment.

My middle sister's the one with the innocent face in our family. She never got in trouble but she was by far the most mischievous of the three of us. I'm not fooled by Sassy's innocent face one bit!

They are both beauties. Sassy's eyes with the surprised expression reminds me of the Scottish Fold cat's.

Love your redecorating! That little wildflower is a gem.

Wordver: dialial
Should I be calling you?

Susan said...

dutchbaby, I think you should call! One cannot deny the power of the veri word! :D

I knew there was something about Sassy's roundish eyes that reminded me of a cat breed...Scottish Folds! Thank you! I'm sure she's just a domestic shorthair, but it's nice to think she might have something exotic in her!

Thank you! I'm glad you like the new header. I got very tired of the cold, snowy one when I'm dealing with cold snow every day! I am soooo ready for Spring, glorious Spring!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Both are adorable, but LOVE Molassy's lover here big time!

Susan said...

Diane, I know! I love Sassy's color, too! She's a tiger calico...I've never had one like her before.

What's not to love about kitties?!!

GailO said...

...I'm so in love with your cats!


Susan said...

....and they're in love with you, Oliag! :)