In the tradition of Ernest Hemingway, who was once challenged to write a short story in six words.
His six-word story was: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
Each week I will choose a theme. It is your mission, if you choose to accept it, to meet that challenge in six words, no more, no less.
If you like, you may illustrate with a photo, or not.
Punctuation will be your biggest ally.
If you decide to play, please link back to this post, and leave the link to your post in comments here.
If you don't want to create your own post, you can write your six-word story in my comments.
The Theme:
The Scales: slowly grinding into balance.
Thank you for playing.
Justice, too often just a word.
'It's not fair!!!'
'Life never is. '
There is no justice in poverty.
Right versus wrong
No one wins
Justice: Just Is
Balance the scales.
Graceful balanced judgment like sword’s blade.
I'm not sure what I mean by this? But happy to play along.
What's wrong? she asked. The glue
Not sure it always works.
The Lady wields a sword--blindly.
Sometimes life can be so unfair.
Teased the cat...then got scratched!
Tattered, so true, so true.
Deborah, love the conversation!
Cali Girl, I agree with you completely.
Maggie, it's a constant battle.
Natashya, sometimes easier said than done?
Judy, I'm sure it feels like one to some people.
corfubob, that's an interesting one. I think I will be studying it for a while. Thank you for visiting and playing! :)
Sandy, sometimes it works a lot better if you aren't poor.
ds, it seems to work that way more and more these days.
Cindy, it seems some people get more than their fair share of unfairness.
Oliag, I'm still smiling over that one...justice in its purest form! :D
OK, it took a bit for this one to come to me. Quite personal, but perhaps a bit universal as well.
On Justice:
I am married Happily; you Float.
I have been informed that this one needs a word of explanation. Also, I decided to change a word. Perhaps a title is in order. Revised:
To: My High School Boyfriend
Re: Justice
I am Anchored happily; you Float.
See, Vanessa, that title makes all the difference and I like the word change. Righteous justice.
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