In the tradition of Ernest Hemingway, who was once challenged to write a short story in six words.
His six-word story was: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
Each week I will choose a theme. It is your mission, if you choose to accept it, to meet that challenge in six words, no more, no less.
If you like, you may illustrate with a photo, or not.
Punctuation will be your biggest ally.
If you decide to play, please link back to this post, and leave the link to your post in comments here.
If you don't want to create your own post, you can write your six-word story in my comments.
The Theme:
Rescued ones make very loving pets.
Thank you for playing.
Precious morning love. Cat. Mama. Heads.
Scratchy tongue, kneading paws, purring love. (My son's contribution is: All of our cats are rescued.)
"sunshine" on my shoulder, feels fine!
softest fur that ever were.
Visiting cats perch on porch railings.
Never too early to purr. Loudly.
I'm not yours. You're all mine.
kitty paws and purrs soothe me
Nothing like some good kitty lovin'!
Someone puked in Dave's gym bag.
Out in In out all day...
Whiskers of love are never forgotten.
P.S. - I think Kathyrn's is my favorite :0)
P.S.S. - I received your sage - now it sits in the pantry waiting for Andy to create something yummy! Thanks very much.
cat sage:
loving clean laundry for my bed
Furr everywhere..that's okay rescued friends!
:o) Love the shelter pets. ♥
furry critters make me sneeze; pet anyway.
Sad: husband allergic. Glad: travel easy.
Sorry I've been missing these. I am so very far behind.
Cats, they sneak into your heart
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