Company, company, company! We're having lots of company! This past weekend my sister-in-law, Anita, visited with her son, Xan. Aimee was here both days with her children and Jaye and Kelly were here on Sunday with their two. The noise level was tremendous. At times I just covered my ears so that I could think straight. Luckily, the weather was great and all the boys played outside.
Gaige finally learned to ride a two-wheeler! I had been trying to teach him, but Grammies don't run very well behind the bike when they have bad knees. Xan has been riding his for a couple of years now, so I asked Anita to try and help Gaige. She went out in the yard, got him on it, gave him a few words of advice, a shove, and off he went! Apparently, she has the magic bike-riding teacher touch, because he's been riding ever since with only a couple of spills that caused scrapes. Of course, I was too busy cooking for the hungry hoardes to get a picture of him. He's so proud.
The bed-and-breakfast, lunch and dinner theme will be extended into this weekend when David's cousin, Mark, and his lovely wife, Cindy, (who is also one of my BFFs)and their daughter Kaley are coming Saturday and staying until Sunday afternoon. They haven't been over in a while, so I'm looking forward to their visit. Kaley is a teenager, so won't require much looking after. We just have to monitor her Internet time. She'll probably play with the chickens a lot. She and her mom were the first people who saw them when I picked them up at Mt. Healthy Hatcheries. That will be quite a leap from day-old fuzz butts to 16-week-old pullets, and Henry, of course.
The weather forecast for Saturday is clear and 78 degrees. A perfect day to go to the Ohio State Fair! I love to look at the exhibits in the Fine Arts building. There are always a lot of excellent entries and you can vote on your favorites. I try to stay away from the Midway. Too many people and I can't stand the smell of all the deep-fried delicacies; e.g., Twinkies, Oreos, hubcaps! Just kidding on that last one! I think.
I have to hear at least one performance by the All-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir. I'm a 1969 alumna of that wonderful group. We performed under the direction of Mr. Glenville Thomas, the founder. He was a lovely man and managed to herd and corral 350 eager young choir singers. It still gives me goose bumps when they sing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". The choir sings it at every alumni concert in honor of Mr. Thomas, who passed away in 1991. Last summer was the first time I managed to be at the fair to participate in the alumni concert. It was so thrilling! And need I say, there were very few older members than I! I still have the record we made and all the sheet music. It was the highlight of my teenage years!
We really enjoy the ODNR Natural Resources Park as well. It is a permanent exhibit area at the fair. Children love it! There are lots of hands-on activities to keep them occupied.
Go to the Ohio State Fair! You will have a great time!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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How nice that Gaige learned to ride a bike. That will keep him busy for a long time! I hope you'll take your camera with you to the fair. Will you be checking out all the poultry while you're there? I'd like to see them myself.
Amy, I will absolutely be looking at the poultry, if they're still there. Sometimes they aren't there for the whole thing and we're going the next to the last day. I'll be sure and get extra batteries for the camera. Wish you could come with us!
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