Kaitlyn and I were killing time yesterday, so we went to the Goodwill thrift shop. I like to look for unusual dishes and table linens. I found this sweet little crocheted afghan made with wool thread. It is sooo soft and warm and it isn't too large. It's just big enough to throw over me while I watch television.
The person who made it must have used a very small crochet needle. It has really fine stitches. I put it next to one I made a long time ago. The stitches on mine look huge next to this one. It makes me want to go out and buy some wool thread and make one myself, but the old wrists won't let me. The repetitive motion kills me.
Kaitlyn turned three on Wednesday! She still wants to say she's two. I guess it will take a week or so to realize she's a big three-year-old girl. Her party was low-key with it being in the middle of the week. She was fine with that. She doesn't like being the center of attention. I can't believe how much older she looks in these pictures. She's growing up.
Happy birthday Kaitlyn! What a sweet face. You found a nice afghan at Good Will. I LOVE browsing through stores like Good Will. You would have such fun going through all the treasures at Lene's Web.
My mom and grandma are/were crocheters and knitters. I didn't inherit the knitting gene but I do appreciate anything handmade. I still have a pale pink sweater my grandma knitted for me when I was in high school.
I would love to learn to knit. I tried to teach myself, but couldn't figure out how to cast off and that's kind of important! I was just thinking as I wrapped that afghan around my shoulders, what a great sweater it would make! How nice that you still have the one your grandma made for you.
Yes, that was a much smaller stitch. I love going to Goodwill too, was thinking I need to get over there. I've never looked at dishes, that's a great idea.
Kaitlyn is so sweet, so innocent. We just went to a 3-year-old birthday girl's party too! Don's niece, who was a surprise after her teenage siblings.
Susan, would you please email me at ruth.mowry@gmail.com? I wanted to chat with you about something.
I pop into Goodwill about once a week. It's right around the corner from the library where I'm a frequent visitor. You just never know what you might find there!
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