There are barely any leftovers, thank goodness. We ate our second turkey dinner yesterday at noon and I sent what was left home with David's mom and dad. I even gave her the turkey carcass for making soup. I don't want to see another turkey for a while!
I'm taking Fannie's challenge to "wage a battle against embitterment and take part in 365 days of grace in small things"

1. I'm thankful that my house is still big enough to hold our loved ones for holidays.
2. I'm glad that I can sit at my computer and look out at my chickens in the backyard at the same time.
3. I'm happy the sun is shining today.
I was visiting Laurie and she had a great post about TOMS shoes and the good work they are doing to help Ethiopian children prevent a terrible disease called podoconiosis. Please watch this YouTube video to find out more about how you can help.
And, finally, some adorable little people whom I just happen to call my grandchildren, plus one....Xan, their cousin.
Matthew is getting his first bite of cereal from Mommy.
Girls trying on their first (plastic)heels.
Got milk?
Matthew and Great-Grandma Phyllis
What's that saying about grandchildren...the nice part about them is you get to give them back! Seriously though, I love the milk mustaches. I can imagine the chaos and how nice it is to have things quite again. My nerves can't take too much of that.
I like the blessings you chose. I too have negative things about me that I must constantly battle. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to overcome them.
The girls were actually drinking kefir which allowed for the great cling factor. They were giggling at each other about their "mustaches".
I'm not sure it's completely necessary to overcome negativity, but just be aware of it and try to channel it in a more positive way.
Your grandchildren have precious smiles! We had ONE 3-year-old, and the volume was pretty high. :) It's always nice to have the house back to ourselves after it's full of family, but I do love having them here.
I really like your days of grace, it is important to stop and focus on what is good in our life every day. Sometimes I forget to do it.
Wow, Thanksgiving is done, and now it's time to put up the Christmas tree.
Ruth, the volume is incredible! My house is so quiet today. The only thing I can hear is the crackling of the fire while the sleet hits the windows and the clicking of the keyboard. I've been making a photobook for my in-laws all morning. My right hand is a permanent claw now! And you're right, now I have to decorate the Christmas tree because the next two weekends David will be gone. Realized it just now!
Did you get the tree up?
I have been avoiding making the photoalbum for Thanksgiving for the exact reason you stated: claw hand. My wrists are killing me.
Did you get some of our snow?
(If you posted again, I am catching up on posts and revisiting old ones, and I'll get there. :)
Ruth, the decorations are out of the attic and that's as far as we got. I went Christmas shopping today and got my haircut, so this day is pretty much shot. I'm going to try again tomorrow.
We're getting spits of snow. Nothing is sticking yet because the temp is staying above freezing, but that will change tonight. I like winter, but I hate the weather. Does that make sense?
Umm, do I have to answer?
I do understand it's a hassle getting out and about. We really got dumped yesterday and last night. But no snow day for poor Don and the students.
Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for posting TOMS Shoes on your blog and for sharing TOMS Shoes with your readers. I'd love to send you a little gift to show our appreciation. Will you email me your mailing address?
I forgot to leave you my email address. It is
Sorry for the inconvenience.
While Susan didn't mention it, we took home a dozen eggs to Virginia after Thanksgiving. Most mornings we take out a few to eat and as they slide out of the pan we say, "Thank you girls!" -- The thanksgiving that keeps on giving. Only 3 more left! Yikes. Grateful sister-in-law Anita
Anita, I just saw that you commented here. I'm so happy you're enjoying the eggs and being grateful to my little chickies. Is Woj missing them too much? Aren't the kids' pictures cute? And I finally got your mom smiling! Of course, she didn't know I was taking her picture!
Love you!
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