This England: Bletchley Park
11 hours ago
The River and the Sea
"The river is within us, the sea is all about us . . ."
— T S Eliot (Four Quartets)
How does the river run within the sea?
Like the coyote, bounding deer-like
in the soy bean field last evening,
and behind him the honeyed sun
a young girl’s hair, cascading among
the trees. He distanced gradually
from the road we cycled, his body
now disappearing beneath
the shrubby, wavy green, now
reappearing in the bob and bounce
of a cork retreating from shore. Like
a dream. Like a secret stone that leaps
as the sun sets, an opal, a tiger’s eye,
to the horizon, until he and the sun are one.
~ruth mowry~
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
~President Dwight David Eisenhower
~Charles Baudelaire~
I'd say that chemistry is about to explode!
I remember you saying something about Dean being in love with Petula when I posted a youtube of her singing Downtown last year. I hadn't seen this video, but it really amazes me that it was produced back in that day, and shown in TV. It's suggestive, more than what I imagine for that time. Also, I wonder that Dean was willing to wear his heart on his sleeve so publicly. It is so incredibly sweet, the way they are with each other, that I feel a little uncomfortable as a voyeur. I'm glad they made this though, because I feel even more sentimental this morning than I was already feeling.
By the way, I had a major teenage crush on Dean Martin. When my dad wasn't looking, I would watch his variety show and swoon. I know people always said he was a lush, but I also read that he and Frank Sinatra did a great job just nursing one drink all night. I wonder which is true. I also adored the Martin-Lewis movies and would go into hysterical laughing fits that I couldn't pull myself out of.
Thank you, Susie!
Talk about volatile elements--Ruth's right!! That is one smokin' duet & I was wondering how it got by the sponsors/censors. Definitely something going on.
But I'm glad you posted this; the only song of hers I knew was "Downtown."
Ruthie, I find it hard to believe that piece got airtime. He was everything but making love to her on that not very well disguised bed. I don't recall seeing this when I was actually watching the show, but I almost always tuned in. My mom must have been off in the kitchen or something when it was on, because she probably would have switched it off pronto! I'm surprised he didn't have his ever-present cigarette in hand. The director was probably afraid it would set Petula's hair on fire with all that hairspray!
After I read yours and DS's comments, I watched it muted. Did you notice the way she hardly looks at him while he is eating her up with his eyes? Maybe she was afraid to make eye contact with him for fear he would strip her naked right there in front of the camera!
I discovered from his daughter's book that he suffered greatly from depression, especially in his later years and especially after his son Dino was killed in a plane crash. He pretty much gave up on life after Dino's death. She and two of her siblings were from his first marriage which ended in divorce. After he married Jeannie (Dino's mother), he hardly had any contact with them and wasn't affectionate when he was around. It changed my perception of him as a loving and gregarious person.
Even though he wasn't a tee-totaler, he also wasn't the lush he portrayed himself to be on screen. According to his friends, his drink glass often contained apple juice. One other thing I learned was that he hated to rehearse which always drove his co-stars crazy. He would show up when it was time to shoot and it was "roll camera".
ds, it was definitely smokin' hot! I felt as if I were watching through a peephole into their private bedroom! And how about that faux bed? Is that a hoot or what? And this was barely past the decade when Lucy and Ricky had to sleep in twin beds, and they couldn't say the word "pregnant" on their show. I think the censors must have been asleep on this one.
He didn't take his eyes off of her until the very end:) Amazing that they can sing while lying down...
I just watched this in full screen mode on my 27 inch monitor... my oh my... I kept wondering what was going on just off view of the camera... very risqué for it's time.
Oliag, I guess that just goes to show when you're a gifted singer, you can sing in any position! Not only could he not take his eyes off her, he apparently couldn't take his hands off either.
Cindy, you have a 27-inch monitor?!! That's bigger than some people's TV sets!
Yeah, I kept watching his hand on her back to see if it drifted any lower. Did you notice the funny little face she made at the end, after the kiss behind the pillow? Hmmmm, wonder what that meant?
Oh me oh my! This is one risqué video. My father watched Dean Martin faithfully but I don't recall this scene. She looked very uncomfortable at first, not quite knowing how to behave. But then she relaxed and by the end of the song, it looked more like a roll in the hay. Then I became uncomfortable at my voyeurism.
I love both their voices and they blend beautifully together. What talents to be able to sing in that reclining position.
I enjoyed that, and did watch that show with my Mom back then. I'm surprised now by how low cut that dress was. Petula seemed to wiggle around alot while singing.
PS: missing your posting more often! :)
Here it is Thanksgiving Day and we are all piled up watching the parade. So, I have the perfect time to drop by and visit friends. I wanted to tell you that one the things I am thankful for today is blogging and the way it has made my world so much bigger. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!
I've never heard that and I've never seen this video. It is very sexual for the time and, yes, I'm also surprised it made prime time. She does seem to be preening or basking (pick a verb)in his attentions which is peculiar to me. I remember him very well with his girls, The Golddiggers I think. One of my co-workers, back in the day, married one of his girls around 1983. I remember her as being very needy. Anyway, always loved Pet Clark and "Downtown" was the first song I learned to play on piano.
Where have you been? Hope all is well.
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