Oh, well, it will still be good with some vanilla ice cream melting on top.
Nathan has been asking for banana nut bread ever since he had some at Bob Evans a few weeks ago. I figured while I had the oven going, I would use up the ripe bananas. That was a much more sucessful outcome.
We're going to the Hocking Hills this weekend with David's cousin Mark and his wife Cindy, who is also my best friend. We've rented a log cabin there the last three years. As it happens, it will also be my only vacation this year. Again, since I already had the oven at the right temperature, I made my dessert contribution to the weekend's feast. It's my mom's recipe for Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. She always made it every year for Christmas Eve when she had our family in for dinner. I usually make it as a layer cake, but a sheet cake is much easier to transport.
The kids and I carved the jack-o-lantern last evening. The boys drew the design on paper and I tried my best to recreate it. It's not half-bad, if I say so myself.
The oven is meant to store the broiler pan. Frying pans are meant to be piled up on the two back burners.:-) Just kidding. Your pictures are lovely.
Well aren't you just Suzie Homemaker today? What a cute pumpkin to go with your baked goodies. I have always wanted to tackle a pineapple upside down cake. I also try to bake several things at the same time while the oven is heated up. It seems a waste to heat it up for just one thing.
Helen, thanks for visiting! Normally, you would be right about the correct storage configuration, but I just happen to have my broiler pan in the lower drawer. The two back burners are used to store miscellaneous items that I don't have time to put away! lol
Amy, how did you know that is my nickname? Have you been spying on me? LOL. Here lately, that has been a misnomer, believe me! Yesterday's baking frenzy was to get me in shape for the Thanksgiving baking to come shortly.
All three look delicious to me. The pineapple upside down cake especially. Yum! The time at the cabin sounds fantastic. Enjoy!
Thanks, Ruth, you are very kind! Everything actually was quite good and we had a great time on our little mini-vacation.
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