Here is Puff on the chair later in the day.

This is Puff's "come and get me" pose.

The River and the Sea
"The river is within us, the sea is all about us . . ."
— T S Eliot (Four Quartets)
How does the river run within the sea?
Like the coyote, bounding deer-like
in the soy bean field last evening,
and behind him the honeyed sun
a young girl’s hair, cascading among
the trees. He distanced gradually
from the road we cycled, his body
now disappearing beneath
the shrubby, wavy green, now
reappearing in the bob and bounce
of a cork retreating from shore. Like
a dream. Like a secret stone that leaps
as the sun sets, an opal, a tiger’s eye,
to the horizon, until he and the sun are one.
~ruth mowry~
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
~President Dwight David Eisenhower
~Charles Baudelaire~
Susan, I think your little Puff is just wonderful! How great that she has chosen you and has bonded with you. I love it when animals seek out our companionship willingly. I don't know about you, but I can just feel myself relax when I spend time with my birds. It is very enjoyable to me.
I agree 100%, Amy! I have a couple of others who have bonded with me, too. David says that I haven't slept as well as I have since we got the chickens and I think he is right! Usually I have terrible insomnia, the kind where you wake at 2:00 a.m. and can't go back to sleep, but it hasn't shown its ugly head much since I've been watching the bok-boks!
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